Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Golden Compass

         I always meant to read this book but I never got around to it for some reason or another. I really enjoyed Lyra's character. She's not the usual hero who starts out meek and helpless, she's ready for adventure at any time with almost a sardonic tone like when she thinks to herself well I guess I should go rescue Rodger. Most of the main characters: Lyra, Lord Faa, Iorek, Mrs. Coulter, and Lord Asriel were all really strong. I mean, Mrs. Coulter had her Intercision, Lord Asriel had his expedition, Iorek had his brute strength, Lord Faa had that amazing battle speech, and Lyra is constantly thrown in dangers way. It was interesting the way Lyra's destiny was talked of. It was whispered throughout the book that she must do something “without knowing what she's doing” which seemed rather vague to me at first, but then I just realized she was just being herself.
        The concept of daemons and how they symbolize a person's character as well as their strengths or weaknesses really caught my fancy. It was interesting to see people's inner emotions expressed on the outside. I also liked the social boundaries it created with the people with the dog daemons as the servants were more submissive while a stronger daemon meant a stronger hold of power. This power was used accordingly. Mrs. Coulter used her power to try to stop Dust. Lord Asriel used power to break down the barrier between the worlds by killing Rodger.

        I was kind of pissed the way the book ended. I mean, I understand it's a trilogy but it just seemed like it happened out of the blue. It didn't seem to fit at all, the story was leading up to her getting to her father and then he wasn't happy but then I thought they would eventually bond over the story of her journey. Apparently not? Don't get me wrong, I really liked this book but I really couldn't fathom her parents at all. When I got to the end with Mrs. Coulter and her father I was just like WHATS GOING ON. I thought I had a good grip of the book and all of a sudden portals were opening and her father turned out to be just as crazy as her mother. Her parents were making out even though they hated each other and Lyra was holding her dead friend and I was just thinking THESE PEOPLE ARE CRAZY. At this point I was half expecting a unicorn or something to come out of the portal and kill everyone but that didn't happen. It's always possible. There's two books to go.

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